Sunday, May 21, 2017

The New Plan

So an update after my minor, my life-altering panic from Tuesday, I have made a few decisions and have a basic plan. After lots of thought, praying, and time to talk it out, I have decided I am giving myself until Memorial Weekend 2018 to find happiness in my life here. If I am unsatisfied and feeling alone still, then I will move on. Most likely it will be to Colorado or California, where I still have support systems in place, but I cannot stay here if I have nothing to look forward to.

I have tried, believe me, but I feel myself slipping in a direction that I just cannot let myself go. So a tentative plan, but a plan nonetheless.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Definitely how I feel about my life, right now, whatever. You could say I'm no longer at a crossroads, but at a turning point. I have to turn my life in a different direction. I'm frustrated, I'm dissatisfied, and I really feel listless. I am at my early mid-life crisis. I don't trust people around me, I don't trust women. I hate this. I want my fire back. It burned so bright and I was so certain about everything. How do I find that again?

Until then, whatever.

Sunday, May 07, 2017

7 so far

7 days have passed since I posted anything permanent on social media. I have commented and liked some stuff, but even that has been minimal. I have posted cryptic disappearing stories, but nothing has peaked anyone's interest so far. Truly fascinating.

Nobody has asked anything, I wonder how long I can do this before I get my first question. And another question, who was the lone mystery reader on my last blog post?

Monday, May 01, 2017

An Experiment

So for the month of May, I have decided to completely minimize my social media presence. I won't be posting on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Except for disappearing stories. I really don't post on Google+, so that won't be a problem.

I am curious to see if people notice. I am gonna go with probably not. But I am curious. I usually post a couple things a day, but if I go down to nothing, will my friends notice?