Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"Regret makes you old and bitterness poisons the ones around you" - One Tree Hill

So Christy and I tried a relationship. It didn't work. 5 days before it was officially over. She didn't like and neither did I. I love kissing her, I love holding her, and I love her, but she was kinda rude to me. That I did not like. I couldn"t even say a sarcastic remark and it was taken the wrong way.

So that's what it's been. There has been drama, there has been fighting, and it is still going on. She doesn't want to talk to me. So, I go on, do my thing and see what is happening. I don't know what else to do. It's almost like there is something wrong with me. That's how it feels sometimes. But, I wasn't being mean, except for when I yelled at her and told her what she was saying to me was bullshit. That was it. I can only take so much before I pop. Christy and I are supposed to go out to see my mom in Colorado, but who knows if that's gonna happen. Worse yet, we're supposed to have Valentine's dinner. But I don't know about that.

Needless to say I'm sad. I'm losing my best friend.


. said...

Cheer up Charlie! Things will look up soon!

Unknown said...

Sounds unhealthy from an objective set of eyes. I think there's someone better waiting. I don't know you, probably never will, but feel the need to tell you I think you're better than this. Happy Living!