Monday, April 17, 2006

Upcoming Summer

I don't know how this summer is going to be. Last year I had so many people to hang out with, but now it is different. My best friend and I are going through a rough patch. I told her last night that I want more from her than friendship. She pretty much implied there wasn't a chance in Hades. I respect that decision except I don't think it is true. We've had an ongoing Love Affair since Thanksgiving, but in last couple of weeks she's wanted to stop it cold. I did tell her last night that I want to date her again. So we shall see. She's changed on me for the time being and I don't exactly feel comfortable with this change.
So life presses on. This is my last week if school. I'm excited. I just want to chill. It's been a long time since I've done two full semesters in a row (I think the last time was my senior year in high school.) I'm tired and just want to work through the summer. I do have two weeks of Army in June and 6 days between July and August. Hopefully I will get promoted to Sergeant this year (since I'm actually putting in for it.) I just want to have fun, so we'll see. I think it's gonna be a very laid back summer. Which is ok, but I think I'll get bored. I think I'm gonna take up reading again.
So I think I'm gonna be kinda selfish, because I want what I want. I've been pretty selfless lately and it's getting me nowhere. So, we'll see what happens...

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