Thursday, March 08, 2007

Look at Me

So I haven't blogged in forever and I used to blog religiously. Weird huh? So I am still going to school off and on. Been going out with Lizzy for 5 months today (yay!) and we're still going strong. Even though we've been fighting some this week. As for me I'm just working and trying to get through school. I was forced to buy a new computer (Christy busting my other one still haunts me) and I like it even though it is pretty big. I get to play all my games again and don't have to worry about the battery dying in less that a minute.
Rumors of Iraq keep coming so we'll see how that unfolds over the next couple of months. My unit is changing so I am going to become a Military Police officer. That outta be interesting to say the least. I don't know where my decisions will leave me over the next 4 years with my military career.
I've been hurting this week. I rolled my ankle and threw my back out on Sunday during my physical fitness test.
So that's all I got for now. Laters

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