Sunday, April 15, 2007


Sitting here, aching, tired, migraine. What a weekend. Army started at 5:30am yesterday. It was too early. My entire body has been messed up since then. First thing that I found out is that my leader had an attack that was similar a heart attack and was hospitalized. The second in command is going to prison soon so I think that he no longer cares about coming to army so that left me as the senior ranking individual. We went to the ranges to shoot and I got done pretty quickly but a lot of people didn't so we waited around all day until almost all of them finished. We left and went back to the armory where we turned our weapons in and then were sent home. I spent the rest of the night relaxing until I fell asleep. We went back this morning to run the physical fitness test. I passed for the first time this year. It's nice to be in the clear at least for a couple of months. Until WLC. *sigh* I'm not looking forward to 2 weeks of being yelled at by men with small penises. Anyways we took until 11:30 and then we began cleaning our weapons. That was how we spend most of the afternoon. Cleaned weapons and watched movies on my laptop. Lots of people were drooling over my laptop. It was funny. Our cleanup wasn't much, but then they made me do an after action review... Paperwork. Not my favorite thing. Now I lay here on my back and hurt. I'm on plenty of drugs to help ease my migraine and muscle aches. Well, I'll be back to my Babylon 5 now...

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