Saturday, October 29, 2005

You Asked

So for the last two weeks I've dropped off the face of the earth, I know. I've gone to work and school. The first week everything was going okay until Wednesday when our District Manager showed up. He turned our entire store upside down and against one another. By the end of the 3 days we were all so frustrated that everybody just wanted out. I even gave my notice. I'm giving them until the end of the semester. Friday night I was so stressed out and frustrated, I drank until I passed out on the floor. It felt so good. During that night, however, my friend Amelia called me from Las Vegas. She informed me that she was in the airport and she needed to get out. So I made her promise a few things and brought her back. When she came, all she had was the clothes on her and the stuff in her purse. We took her up to her parents house, but they wouldn't let her take any of her stuff she left behind unless she paid them $1800. So we brought her back. Then yesterday my dad took her back up there with police. She did everything her parents asked of her, but then they wanted more concessions. So when she refused, they told her that they no longer wanted anything to do with her. So now she is going to be staying at my dad's house for the time being. I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, I'm just extremely busy.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

I"m sorry so much is going on!! Everything will work out! I'm glad that you are back though and alive!