Tuesday, August 02, 2005

"It disappoints me that you don't have enough faith in me to tell me the truth" - Chris to Courtney

Guidelines to maintaining a Relationship with Chris $

1. Don't Lie to Me. No matter how much you want to spare my feelings, no matter what it may cost, the cost is always higher if you lie. Even if it's a white lie. It makes me push away from you. I'll tell you if I don't want to hear it, but let me make the choice. Don't take my decision making abilities away from me. I'm a big boy and I've been around the block hundreds of times.

2. Don't Try to Make Me Jealous. This is infuriating. I would never try to make you jealous and I expect the same courtesy. Yes I am a flirt, but if you try to make me jealous, then I'm just gonna play you.

3. Don't Try to Control Me. If I truly like you, then I'm gonna want to be around you. But you have to realize that I have other people in my life, as do you, and I still want to maintain my ties with them. Don't try to manipulate me and make my schedule and other relationships the way you want them. I comprimise, but I don't become subdued.

4. No Guilt Trips. They don't work. Don't even try.

5. You Can't Change Me. I will change according to what I think is proper, not the way you'll want me to. Give me time, and you'll see that I am more than worth the wait.

These five things are very important. I tell girls these things right off. If you can't accept them then I don't think we'll have a future.


. said...

I must agree with all of your rules. ESPECIALLY the "Don't Try to Control Me". I totally know what you mean when you want to hang out with other people sometime. Well put.

thehoneyman said...

I totally disagree with all of them, hahahaha just kidding!