Monday, August 22, 2005


So here I am waiting in line at Parkway Crossing, waiting to get my key to my apartment. Waiting, just waiting. Ryan's starting to get anxiety, he just wants to get it over with. There's a U-Haul sitting in front of my house. We just want to get it over with. Be done with this. My house has been torn up all weekend and I finally got it all packed up last night. Now I just have to move all that shiz into the apartment. The line hasn't movedin the last hour. They really are not any good at this. You think that they'd have everyone they could to work, but I don't think they know what to do. Oh, this is the fun life (eyes rolling).

Well we'll see how it goes from here...

1 comment:

Ellie said...

I seriously can't believe you guys are moving out!! YAY!