Sunday, August 14, 2005

"You really like those doughnuts don't you?; Have you seen the food they just tried to make us eat?" - Spc Allred and Chris $ shortly after Army Lunch

Yeah, so I went and saw the Dukes to today. That's right, I saw the Dukes of Hazzard. Against every recommendation and critical review. And you know what, I liked it. Not just because of Jessica either (although she was the only reason I needed to go), the movie was silly and totally fun, not serious. I'm a little tired of the serious life right now, I think people need to screw around a little more. Live and Let Live. It may not have been true to the original show, but it definitely put a modern twist on the show. And my, Oh my, Jessica Simpson is fine. F-I-N-E. Fine. But then again I am a sucker for those blondes...

So Courtney has called me 3 times since she's been in Oklahoma. Yeah, she hasn't even gotten to move into her dorm yet. That's tomorrow. As for me, I'm turning my room inside out right now to get ready to move. I guess my little brother is moving into my room. That's all fine and dandy. I can't wait to get out. I'm tired of family being right next door, trying to get me to do stuff all the time. Luckily I had army this weekend, but as soon as I got home they were trying to grab me to work. Ugh... I don't mind every once in a while, but the second I walk in the door. It gets so frustrating.

So school starts the week after this one. Is everyone ready? I sure am. Especially since it's all paid for already for me. It's like I told one of my aunt's co-workers, I can't wait to stick my head in a book until December, so I stay out of trouble... HAHAHA!!! Oh that was funny. No, I'm gonna have fun with school and being moved out, and working my A off. Full-Time work, Full-Time school, and P-A-R-T-Y. Yeah Baby!!! Bring it on...

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