Monday, August 08, 2005

There's No Buisness Like Show Buisness

So on Saturday I went up and found a Mustang convertible. It is an '01 Black Beauty. I loved it and in my excitement, I forgot that car salesman try to screw you. And they did. They told me that they dropped the price to 22,000 so I could make the payment range I wanted. Not only did they not do that, but the car is only worth 18,250 on the highest market rate. They tried to screw me. Luckily my co-signer is in Colorado, so I have all the paperwork. The downside is that I already swiped my card for the downpayment. So I'm on my way up there to re-negotiate or drop the deal. I'm hopping mad.

This weekend my mom came from Colorado. She arrived on Friday night and we caught up with each other. On Saturday we went car shopping and she did the whole Mustang experience with me and then we watched King Arthur. Sunday we went out to Utah Lake on my uncle's boat. It was the first time that my dad and mom had done something in 20 years. They usually just say hi and leave it at that. But we all went out and had a blast. I came back with sore muscles, a sunburn and a black eye. My mom got up on skis and skiied three times. She said it was so much fun because she didn't have worry about kids at all. I'm glad. She deserves a vacation every now and then.

I'll tell you how the car deal goes later.

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