Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Who's My Daddy?

Okay. So for the past week Ryan has been bugging me about the top girl in my life. Truth be told I don't have one. My focus is definitely there, but I don't have an absolute focus. So because of this Ryan calls me a Player. Maybe I am, but I sure am honest about it.

Courtney - She's moving to Oklahoma and I am spending as much time with her as I can. I definitely feel love towards her. A canidate for marriage.

Christy - My best friend. I've shut down all my feelings for her. The thing about her is when she liked me, I could be in her eyes that I wasn't good enough for her. I cannot be looked down upon.

Savanna - Definitely a lot of interest on my part in her. The down side is that she has her own problems with a boy that she's been dating for a while. He's turned out to be an emotional leech and is stressing her out to the max. So I keep my distance, but she's so fun to flirt with. I don't know where she stands on liking me anyway.

Jayna - So far a one night fling. She hasn't even made an effort to call me. Don't know.

Hailey - My relationship with Hailey goes back to High School. We pretty much dated for over 2 years, but were never serious. When I wanted to get serious, she backed off because she was scared. Last December I started hanging out with her and she expressed interest in marrying me. It infuriated me and I cut her off. I didn't start talking to her again until March. We hang out about once a week. She is totally in love with me (according to Ryan who texted her a lot one night) so I don't know. I don't feel for her the way I did, and I don't think I ever will.

So this is where I stand. Courtney right now is number 1. But I have a feeling that Parkway Crossing is gonna change it all.

20 Days to Paradise.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Ok so maybe you don't have 10 girls like I said earlier today but dang you have even more going then I thought!! haha what like 5?! Geez Chris!! But hey I say you should do it while you can!! Play the field!! That is why there is a field to play on!!