Sunday, July 31, 2005

Finding My Diversion

So I'm having a terrible time finding something that will divert my mind off of all the problems that face me. I think I'm gonna have to force myself to workout on a daily basis but I don't know if that's gonna help. None of my movies help, walks don't help and hanging out with Ryan doesn't help because I'm always afraid that he's gonna run off to see Megan and not come back for the rest of the day.

Sundays are definitely the worst because no one can really do anything and so I just get to sit at home and think and generate new problems in my head. It's so not cool. So I have to find a diversion. Or I'm gonna drive myself outta my mind. Maybe I should just move to Hawaii and live on the beach. Ellie wants too, I think it is a good idea. Ryan moves to Vegas and myself to the island of Molokai. The only reason I love the island is because it has an awesome name.

Yikes. I need a Vacation.

Ignore my words. Ryan's feisty today so I have to vent somewhere.


. said...

hehe, if it helps, you can vent to me anytime! i do need to truly try to be happier. Working out sounds like a good idea to me. I need some o' that as well. Cheer up Charlie...

Ellie said...

Hey well there is always the Cali road trip...