Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Well I had a fun 4th of July. Except for the fact that my dad busted the driver's side window out of my car. That kinda sucked. Now I have to order a new window along with a door handle. Ughh...

I lit off plenty of fireworks last night. Between me and my brother, we had the most as far as I can remember. I had a lot of the fun stuff from last year. So we fired off a lot of stuff. Everything from mortars to bottle rockets to flowers. The little tricks to the bottle rockets (because half of them were duds) was to stick a flashing strobe down our launching pipe, then drop a handful of rockets down the pipe. The ones that would light, fired off, the rest just sat there. We had fun and put on quite a show. We were told to stop, so Christy and I took them over to a church and we finished off all of the big stuff. It was quite cool. How about that?

Anyone else try to blow themselves up last night?

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