Thursday, July 14, 2005

Living Today

Well, it's been awhile and I was a mess the last posting, but it's all good now. Shortly after I posted my last blog on Sunday, Courtney called me and we discussed things. We're good now. I was just severely disappointed because I missed her and she didn't want to see me. But then she came to my house the next day and we visited. So we're good.

Okay the stressful news first. I broke my Sidekick yesterday. Oh, that sucked. Then I called T-Mobile and they informed me that I had cancelled my equipment insurance. WRONG!!! I did no such thing. So I called the insurance company and we discussed it and they fixed it for me. They reinstated my insurance and are going to send me a new phone. Soon I hope. I didn't realize how attached I got to that phone. I love it. Now I'm without it, and I miss it.

So today I texted Savanna and asked her out. Unfortunately she couldn't go with me tomorrow, but she called me later and said that we need to go do something another day. She seemed kinda excited about it. I thought it was funny. Especially since she had a pretty weak excuse for calling me. I had given her the days and hours she worked next week and she asked me specifically what days they were. But I had already given her the days and they weren't easily mistaken. So it was kinda cute. I look forward to going out with her. She is a very fun person.

So I'll talk to you guys later. I have a full weekend ahead of me.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Yay for the date with Savannah!! Keep us posted on that one! She is very cute... kinda the usual looking girl but very cute!! It was fun seeing you the other day!! haha I still wish I could have yelled with you at the mall people!!