Monday, September 19, 2005

Ironing Things Out

So the waters seem to be smoothing over. Finally I'm starting to get control. And it seems like everyone else is too. Sorta. I mean you have your windbursts all the time (and there's no way that everyone is gonna be happy at the same time) but it seems that the majority of us are goin' good. I am, however, going to be murdered before the week is over. It is going to be interesting, for sure, but I think it is something that I have to experience. Then on the 13th day I will rise from the dead (no resurrection for me, that was reserved for the savior, so my rotten corpse gets to walk out of the grave on it's own) and it's 13 days because of the innate amount of evil inside of me. Hahaha. So look for the signs, no earthquakes or black skies, just the world rejoicing upon my death, and screaming when I return. Enjoy.


thehoneyman said...

You are so wierd

Megan said...

well, I'm glad you and satan are getting along so well. at least you have a friend! good luck with getting murdered. I hope that it's a non-painful way

Chris $ said...

FYI Satan and I don't get along. He hates me more than anyone.

Ellie said...

Cause this whole blog has to do with satan...

. said...


Megan said...

i'm sorry, i just assumed that evil and satan went together. thank you for correcting me