Thursday, June 30, 2005

Self Examination

Okay, this was a fairly interesting day for me. It started last night when I was talking to Courtney she asked me if I knew why Savanna was acting the way she was. I told her I didn't know what she was talking about. She then went on to explain that she walked in on the tailend of a conversation at work and she asked what it was about. Kali told her that they were talking about how Savanna was jealous everytime I talked to Courtney. I was shocked. Courtney then went on to say that if I wanted to have something with Savanna, she would have no problem with that. Alarms started going off in my head. That is a classic trap. So I just started talking about something else. Not a rude change, I just asked her another question and we started a whole other conversation.

In the morning I went next door and asked my aunt if V (my boss) had mentioned anything about Savanna. She just smiled and asked "Why? Because you like her?" I just turned around and walked away. Mostly to hide the grin on my face. (I have a hard time hiding my emotions on my face.) She followed me outside and then she asked me what I specifically wanted to know. I asked her about what Courtney said to me and she said "I know." So I went to work. About 20 minutes after I got there V walked up to me and said "So you're the source of jealousy in my store." We started talking and she told me that it was no secret that Savanna was attracted to me. Then I looked at her and said "It's news to me." She just laughed.

Courtney then walked in. She smiled coyly and said hi very softly. My gosh, she looked so hot. She was also very touchie-feelie with me. She made me want her so bad. Ryan's theory is that she's jealous. And I think that he is right. Wow. Am I a prize? Much more of this and I'm gonna get a big head.

After Courtney left and she told me that I'm evil, (which is code that she wants me too) I proceeded to ask Carole. She told me that Courtney was the one that was showing jealousy whenever I talked to Savanna. It brought me down, but then she said that whenever I walked into the store, Savanna would light right up. Which is a sign that she's attracted to me. I asked her why she thought so, and she told me that Savanna didn't ask anyone else 101 questions when she first met them. Yikes. What if she is? There is no doubt that I'm attracted to her, so it could end up being interesting.

I went and saw War of the Worlds today. It's pretty good. Very intense, keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time. Go see it, unless you can't handle the constant suspense or don't like Sci-Fi.

Later my peoples.


Ellie said...

So I think that you are definitely stuck!! Good luck with all these girls you hot stud! hahaha War of the Worlds was definitely good...kind of a let down at the end...

Susannah said...

Man, I don't go to work for 3 weeks and suddenly I miss all the fun?