Monday, June 13, 2005

Words of Wisdom... (Some of these are explicit, so protect your fragile little minds.)

Do I have a treat for you. Due to popular request, I am releasing words of wisdom that I have lived by for the last 8 years. Well, here they are. ( You can thank the Honeyman)

Chris’ Rules for Life
1. Always listen when you need an answer.
2. When in doubt, let your conscience guide you.
3. Watch your back.
4. There is an upside to everything, but it isn’t always apparent.
5. Life is not fair.
6. Some rules are meant to be broken.
7. Money isn’t everything.
8. Beware: Love that is not love is evil.
9. Watch what you wish for, it might come true.
10. Someday your dreams may come true, but you have to work for them.
11. Never attempt to understand women, it will drive you insane.
12. Satan will walk all over anybody.
13. Good luck is hard to come by.
14. In the face of Tyranny make an impression on people, a martyr will help bring around the needed change.
15. Live life day to day when worried, fretting about the future will give you ulcers.
16. You may think school sucks, but it will help your future.
17. Procrastination is an evil in itself, don’t let it gain control of you.
18. Love can be a wonderful thing, but don’t let it blind you.
19. Payback is a bitch.
20. What goes around comes around.
21. Don’t let hatred guide you.
22. Only those who earn your respect deserve to have it.
23. When there’s nothing you can do, sit down, shut up, and enjoy the ride.
24. Step forward for yourself or others that are in need.
25. The Good Samaritan is always loved, but the one that is led around in a circle is despised.
26. Anyone can turn on you at anytime.
27. Hold Honor and Integrity above all else.
28. Leap across threshold of insanity, peace of mind awaits you on the other side.
29. Listening more than talking makes people want to hear what you have to say.
30. Kindness is always rewarded in some form or another.
31. Think about your actions if you make a mistake.
32. Every action has a consequence.
33. Think about others above yourself.
34. Self-Control is a valued asset.
35. Locking up your emotions will only make them explode later.
36. Finding a peaceful solution should always be the first try.
37. Men tend to ignore feelings when they are the most important.
38. Finding prosperity for others at the cost of yourself is honorable unless that person then relies completely on you.
39. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.
40. Doing nothing is just as bad as doing the wrong thing.
41. Hiding and playing with someone’s mind is a great way to become noticed.
42. "Don’t strive for perfection, but strive for excellence; For perfection is God’s business." - Michael J. Fox
43. If you covet something, stop! The world is not ours individually, but collectively.
44. Life does not last forever, make an impact now!
45. There is no Meaning of Life; life is the greatest test of all.
46. Traditions are evil if they are Myths.
47. Do not forget from whence you came, for it is who you are and who you will always be.
48. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
49. True friends are hard to find, do not ever sacrifice them.
50. Do not be prejudiced in any way, it makes you look like a fool.
51. Nobody knows everything; anyone who acts that way is bullshitting their way through life.
52. You soul talks to you through your dreams.
53. There is someone out there for everyone.
54. Nobody can see everything in the perfect perspective.
55. Losing a good friend over petty differences shows how much of fools you both are.
56. Watching a sunrise or sunset will always calm the mind.
57. Remember they won’t know until you tell them.
58. Patience is a virtue that is everlasting.
59. "Small minds talk about people, mediocre minds talk about things, and great minds exchange ideas."
60. The Phoenix will always rise again.
61. The core of the heart is Love.
62. Life & Death will always occur; Only God can change that.
63. Change is the only constant.
64. Time is important, Never let it slip by you.
65. The first True Love leaves an impact like none other.
66. True Leaders live behind the scenes.
67. It is important to always have a shoulder to cry on.
68. True friends watch you back, they don’t stab it.
69. The greatest gift of all is to see through people, so you understand who they really are.
70. Acceptance is not the most important thing, caring is.
71. Death is the beginning of the true life.
72. Live each day as if it is your last, for it may be.
73. Everyone needs at least some distance.
74. To accept others faults is to accept the humanity within yourself.
75. Taking advantage of a bad situation for personal gain is purely evil.
76. If you trust a person enough and you truly care for them, then you can do whatever they want.
77. When two people become close friends, they become part of one another.
78. Only Time can tell.
79. There is an exception to every rule.
80. The sacrifices made for love show the greatest side to a person.
81. Taking your philosophy, finding the extreme opposite, and accepting the values of that philosophy takes courage.
82. Nobody can get everything they want.
83. You don’t know what affect a person has on you until they are gone.
84. Always keep Hope alive; If not for you, then for others.
85. Always tell the Truth; But you don’t have to say it in absolute pessimism.
86. Maturity does not come with age, but with experience; don’t expect the immature to mature at your will.
87. The world will end, it’s just a matter of when and how.
88. Everyone has a weakness.
89. The rawest emotions; Anger, Happiness, and Love; are euphoric.
90. Any Addiction has its cons.
91. Good men will always take the rap for bad men’s actions.
92. Women should naturally get our highest respect; Unless they totally prove otherwise.
93. Life needs only one rule, righteousness; Anyone who achieves true righteousness needs no other rule.
94. Procrastination is the number one cause of worry.
95. Strength can be earned, but true strength was here from birth.
96. The night is humankind’s undoing.
97. Divine Intervention is a matter of faith.
98. To Dream is to Experience.
99. The Past is always tied to the Future.
100. Failure is not an option.
101. Pain, Let Downs, Heartbreaks, and Disappointments don’t matter; They are all in the mind.
102. Turn your Weaknesses into your Strengths.
103. Being a hermit and never changing is self-destruction.
104. Having control is not worth the pain it inflicts upon others.
105. Stare into the eyes of Fate; You might be surprised at what you see.
106. There is no right time like now.
107. Silence is the worst of all Enemies.
108. There is only one absolute instance when one person understands another; Once achieved, it will never come again.
109. Time is forgiving, but irreplaceable.
110. Everyone except everyone has the right to express their own opinion.
111. When in pursuit, Men are the slaves.
112. True evil comes from within, as does good.
113. True Sorrow is relentlessly harmful.
114. Truth is the hardest thing to see.
115. Hoping against hope is the trait of the Saints.
116. A person’s objectives and goals will change over time.
117. Fate works in Fucked up ways. - Can't Hardly Wait
118. Don’t doubt your instincts; God works through them.
119. True courage is when you keep going with no light at the end of the tunnel.
120. "Learn from the Past, Plan for the Future, Live in the Moment."
121. Great things happen to those who are willing to be patient.
122. Do not despair, Very Few actually see the End Game.
123. No matter how many times you get hurt, never be afraid to put your heart on the line.

Not everyone can live by these and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I will do my best to explain them, because they were meant for me.

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