Saturday, June 11, 2005

Sitting on my A...

Look at that, here I am on my Army Weekend, doing very little. I drove out with our truck, then we stood around for a while, then we went in laid down on our beds. 2 hours later we drove out to spot, waited for an hour, then went and picked up concrete barricades. That was pretty interesting because we got to mess around with a new attachment for our crane, it was special made for picking up barriers. It took us half an hour to figure out how to use the damn thing. Then we went shopping at our PX. After that we got ambushed on the road back. It was interesting. We looked at it and said "Cool Fireworks." Then we went and put the barriers down.

Quite the exciting day. I mean they kept us so busy that I had enough time to write my day down on the blog. The cool thing is that I make pretty good money for what I do. We do earn our pay in war though, so I guess it evens out.

One thing I do hate about these weekends is that I can't spend time with Christy. She hates it too. It's weird how close we've become. We started hanging out in January and now we hang out every day if we can. We're definitely best friends. Close, best friends. It was just weird to hear her tell me that she would rather hang out with me than her friends in Layton. We've definitely gotten closer over last couple of weeks too. I adore her and wouldn't trade her for anyone else in the world. If only...

What can I say? I have a pretty good thing going for me right now.

1 comment:

thehoneyman said...

So I enjoy your blog a whole lot, isn't it so much fun